Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wish List

Please - don't feel obligated to get anything, but since many have asked I thought I would share a few things that we are on the look out for.  Used items are fantastic.  They don't know the difference.  If you have these things in your basement or garage it is perfect.  If you find it at a garage sale just drop us a text and we may have you pick it up for us. 

The items we are really on the lookout for:
Toy Kitchen
Bike helmets Picked these up today
12" bike for bug.  Sissy got a bike at the Foster Closet today and bug wants to climb on it.  We can borrow the neighbor's tricycle, but I'm sure Bug will want something like Sissy's with two wheels and training wheels.  A great friend found one for us and we will have it soon!
Letter magnets for the refrigerator We have been told these are on their way.
Balls (not as much of a priority as we found some at the dollar store)
T-Ball set
Toy car that you pull back and release and it goes.  Not small enough to go in a nose (right now everything is tried in Bug's nose)

2T shorts - the foster closet was a bit short on shorts - this is not a giant need, we only need one or two more and we are washing often so we may be fine and Bug likes to run around in her diaper.

Potty Chair - you can also come over and toilet train for us... mmmkay?  Potty chair is on its way, thank you!

Bath toys we have a good amount right now so they aren't as needed. 
2 Kid size towels... the bath towels we have are normal bath size and pretty big.  Girly colors, but different.

Duplo Blocks (if you have them around or find them at a garage sale - do NOT go out and buy these as they are not necessary, we have other blocks as well)

Comfortable rocking chair (adult size) - this is for us for reading and cuddling time and would not be going home with the girls when they leave.  If you find one let us know how much and where and Squirrel will come test it out as she is kinda very particular.

If you really want to bring something for the girls we can always use:
Bubble Bath
Bath Color Tablets

These kids are actually quite spoiled right now.  We now have everything they need and may actually take some items back to the foster closet for other little ones.

These kids love books and a lot of you have offered books, we have plenty, however if they happen to be about feelings and leave out family that would be good. 

Please do not bring any:
foam items as Bug will eat them.  
Tiny items that fit in a tiny nose

If you have items for kids that you just don't know what to do with we can take them to the closet for you.  They have plenty of most things, but the need is great.  There were a lot of foster families there today. 

Turd in the Tub!

It was quiet until 10 AM! 

That also means that breakfast is at 10:30 and lunch... not so much.  Eggs were on the menu and Bug eats great.  Sissy, meh.

Play was a bit more subdued today.  The frantics have dissipated and we are starting to be normal.  As normal as they can be when you can't run outside.  The dog chasing is decreasing and that is a must as the dogs are growing more and more agitated.  Another win was that nobody touched Ella's (the dog) butt hole today!  Sissy was calm enough that while watching some Daniel Tiger with Squirrel the cat (Olive) came up and sat on her lap.  These are the moments we can talk about being calm and controlling ourselves.   

Today we visited Foster Closet and got some much needed clothing articles. 4 feet now have 4 shoes.. and some warm clothes and some summer clothes, and new toys too. They even gave big sister a new bike!! Once we get a helmet for our tiny heads we will be all set to ride.  This place is so wonderful that I just have no word to describe my gratitude for them. We still have bit of a wish list.. but more on that later. The workers there are so kind and understanding of behaviors and needs. We were encouraged to take as much as we wanted of both clothes and toys.  The girls also got homemade blankets (we had to decline the Mickey Mouse one in fear of a major meltdown when the other saw it), pillowcases, and stuffed animals.  We learned that next time we have new kids we will take them only to figure out what size we need if we don't know (we needed to try shoes on) and then take the kids away.  All of the items were a bit overwhelming to them and they are good kids, but more chaotic than the average.  Sissy is very confrontational and is an instigator and we should have just gotten her shoes as we told her we would and then snuck back without her.  She is very proud of her new shoes and really would have been content without anything else. 

Rabbit and I had to decide how we were going to remedy the issue that Big Sis had not yet had a single BM. Fig newtons were rejected because... well, its just a fig cookie and we need no added sugar.  We decided to try some prune juice diluted a bit... but no need... after draining the bubble bath we found a GIANT turd.. that thing couldn't have come out of little Bug... she has been going like a "Super - Pooper".  We still haven't fully been able to wash Sissy's hair, but we are getting closer.  She did allow Rabbit to dump water on her head.  Bug however did get a full hair wash much to her dismay.  After her bath when she was very upset she did seek comfort in Rabbit, so all is going in the right direction.

I believe that I am coming down with a cold... ACCKKK!!! I cant be sick now. For 50 years now I have gotten to 'baby' myself when I was sick. Sure; I would still go to work - but then it was home to bed. Now I will need to find some sort of energy reserve to keep up with the girls that have some super hero in them and hyper activity for a secret power.

We are sorting through all we brought home, and will update on items that we still could use. So many people have offered to help or have already contributed and that truly warms my heart.  Rabbit is posting our 'Wish list' now.

I hear these girls say some sad stuff regarding everything that's happened to them the least few days, But today as we were in the car driving back from The Foster Closet -  Big sis was talking to her new/used Barbie and told her that "Everything was going to be okay". sweet and sad at the same time.

The ride home caused both to sleep again and Bug slept soundly enough that we were able to put her in her crib.  Unfortunately we had to wake her for dinner (spaghetti - yes, we invite trouble).  We just needed to not have her go down for the night at 4 and then be up at 3 AM. 

Bed was a challenge, but we won.

Acheivement 3 Unlocked... Sleep!

We slept through the ENTIRE NIGHT!!! But look at all that hair we are going to have to comb through today.  Don't you love how the pajama shorts stayed up? 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

My car smells like Pee

We survived night one.  Little sister slept beautifully all night.  Big sister, not so much.  We were up two or three times last night, but she slept in the big bed very well.  Every time she was up it was just for some comfort.  Sleeping alone doesn't seem to be what she is used to.  She may have also been uncomfortable because her wound opened up a bit last night as well.

Last night I showed Big Sister that we had clothes for her and her sister, and she said that little sister's outfit was "beautiful"so this morning while they were all sleeping I left Squirrel and the kids and got a matching outfit, scripts filled, bath supplies, and the promised strawberries.  Oh, did I mention that we have had bugs?  So, I went with the whole folder of kid info and then only went into the store with the Medi cards.  Little did I know that you have to know your kids' birthdays to fill a script so out to the car I go to get the rest of the folder.  The pharmacy tech was great and she pushed my script forward before the others so I was home before anyone was up.  The RID was also available over the counter, but since we had a script it was covered and cost us nothing.  Now I understand why CPS had us take both girls to the ER.  The tech also suggested Miracle Whip, so later this week we may be outside with Mayonnaise heads.

The kids also got some new favorite toys today... our fantastic neighbors across the street put a little package in the door and the Sesame Street characters are a hit!  They also put in there some new bottles, but we managed to hide those and have been successful with sippy cups.

We have been struggling all day on being kind and calm with the dogs.  Poor things have been trying to hide all day.  The cats have been in hiding.  It has been  a chuckle though having two toddlers try to say "Percy".  The "er" sounds like a "u" and then you have two kids saying Pussy.  I joked with Squirrel a few weeks ago that this was going to happen.  We may have to start putting the dogs outside during meals, it seems mean to them, but we have to find a solution to the distraction.

The classic easy kid meals were served today... cheerios, hot dogs & mac, pizza & green beans.  We just needed to find foods they would eat.  Little sister downed the dogs... now we just need to get big sister to eat something other than fruit.  I think we are throwing half the fruit out though as she is big enough to open the refrigerator and is fascinated by the trash can.  We also need to create a kid proof solution to the refrigerator.  Even the little one can get in. 

This morning we did our RID treatment.  Little sister did much better than big, but as the day went on I was able to continue combing big's hair so we are almost to where she doesn't look like a wild animal.

Speaking of a wild animal, they no longer smell like wild animals either!  After lunch I took little upstairs and ran a bubble bath.  She is so easy to convince to try something without her sister.  Big sister came up to investigate and I ended up forcing her in the tub.  After a few minutes she was convinced it was a good thing and we no longer have a house that smells like pee... at least for now.  Maybe tomorrow my car won't smell like pee either.  It really isn't a good thing associating your kids with the pungent smell of old pee.  Have you ever seen the "I smell like beef" clip on Youtube?  The Beef Video This would be appropriate for our girls, but substitute Pee instead of Beef.  Now that we have conquered the bath we really need to work on the potty training. 

We were tired of being trapped in the house all day so we went for a walk in the rain to the little library down the street.  These two love books.  We did however have a major issue before our walk.  Since we only had 1 shoe come with them our neighbors down the street gave us a pair.  Big sister went to try them on and they were just too small.  I was outside arranging the stroller for little and Squirrel was inside seeing this kid flip out.  Big sister thought that since the shoes didn't fit that we were going to take little sister away and leave her home alone.  I'm so grateful that these kids are verbal and can share this with us because we would have never been able to guess this.  We were able to assure her that she was going with our without shoes and that we wouldn't take her away from little sister.  Little sister then proudly sat down and stole the shoes.  We are so lucky that a great friend and co-worker gave us her high-chair and stroller.  They work perfectly.

Car rides are a blessing to all of us.  They were the quietest part of the day.  We bought a gently used seat for big sister and they both slept for most of the ride to pick it up.  I am driving really slow and we enjoy the reprieve from the constant need for noise and movement.  The car is also where they love to sing.

Daniel Tiger is a favorite show and we watched the one about school and the doctor today.  Hopefully we can arrange "school" in the next week.  Both of us can take the time off of work, but we really feel that the longer we stay home with them the more difficult it will be for them to have use not with them at all times.  That is the biggest challenge... they need constant reassurance that you are there.

Tonight we went upstairs earlier than yesterday and we tried to brush our teeth (complete failure). The tooth brushes are still on the counter though.  It may be like yesterday's sandwiches where they try it when we aren't looking.  Books are a hit and we did some bedtime reading, lots of reading.  Little sister insisted I put a book in her bed.  We managed to end the reading at 9:00 and then by 9:40 the screaming is done.  Unfortunately during the after reading, before sleeping time we discovered how little sister is an acrobat in climbing out of her crib and big sister scratched her wound open again so tomorrow will be a morning mess.  She almost let me see it, but she wouldn't let me put any cream on it.  You would think I could put a bit of antibiotic on a 3 year old without issue, but this one twists and contorts in such a manner that I am afraid that trying to hold her she will throw herself and end up even more injured.

Heartbreaking moment for the night was when Squirrel heard big sister tell little to come to her... she needed her, and she need her to say she loved her.  Then little sister told big that she wanted to go buh-bye.  They know they need to be here and this is their home right now, but they know they have another home.

Speaking of injuries... little sister discovered what wood floors and socks are like together.  We are going to have to start being a bare feet or shoes house... no sock feet allowed.  Also did our first time out when big sister insisted on standing on top of a book pile after a warning.  These two are really into testing boundaries.  The book pile was because they are good helpers in picking up toys, but the books get picked up and put in a pile.  We will be pulling some of those books out and start a weekly rotation.

We are really lucky with these two.  Yes, we think that big sister should be potty trained, but there was no running water at their home.  These two chatter boxes seem to be otherwise developmentally on.  We sing, talk, mimic, have excellent motor skills, problem solve, so we are doing very well.

If you are curious... we still got our runs in tonight.  After dinner and before reading time we took turns and did a quick mile.  The run streak lives on.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Chaos ensues

There are so many things to describe the whirlwind of action that began at 3:30 this afternoon, or should I say, yesterday afternoon as it is now 12:15 in the morning and I have a load of laundry in.  Our official copy of our foster license came in last Friday and we have had 3 calls for kids and we declined the first two, but today accepted a pair of siblings out of a grouping of 5. 

I managed to rush home early and quickly moved items that may cause harm as we took a two year old and three year old.  Squirrel called when she got out of work and I had her pick up a few necessities: milk, hot dogs, mac n cheese, cheerios, and apple juice.  Not that we ate any of it tonight.

Originally we were told that the girls would be coming to us in an hour or two.  That meant 5:00-6:00.  Just before 5 CPS called and they wanted to see if we could pick them up... needless to say we only had one car seat that fit these two so they delivered.  We knew we had a little time so we snuck a quick run in! Around 7:00 3 little girls were running around our front yard.  After a small bag was handed to us and two red folders we now have the small two.  When you hear in foster class that the kids will come in any condition, they truly do.  Big sister was in her bigger sister's clothes and had peed her diaper many times so she was soaked and had blood from a head wound running down her back.  Little sister was just big eyed and following along.  Little is 2, big is 3.  Both are still drinking from bottles.  Crusty disgusting bottles. 

We discussed very briefly with the CPS worker that dropped the kids off and she left us the booster seat for big sister - tomorrow we go out to get one of our own.  Once the kids were in the house with Squirrel I noticed that there was a group of neighborhood moms with little ones all gathered across the street.  Neighbors save the day!  We received a box of big kid diapers and 2 sets of clothes and I really don't know what I would have done without  them.  A quick change of clothes and off to the Emergency Room we go.  Oh, well a kinda change of clothes.  Big sister did not want to change her shirt so she went in a shirt a million sizes to big and we didn't have any clean stuff for little sister, but she was okay.

In we go with two dirty, shoeless girls and the ER folks couldn't have been nicer.  At this point we hadn't even opened the files to see how old the girls really are.  Little sister is just over 2 and big sister is about 3 1/2... did I mention that big is in diapers and has a bottle (well, had).  The paperwork we have states that big sister was potty trained at 1 (nope!).  After the struggle to get vitals we were allowed to sit in our own room to wait.  Containing these two is nearly impossible.  There was crying... a lot of it.  A few hugs... and when big sis went for her CT scan I swear there was a demon coming out of little sister.  I was grateful that there is a camera in that room because this girl can scream.  We were in there about 3 hours... 3 very long hours.  3 hours of little ones climbing over furniture, under furniture, general chaos.  When the PA tried to clean up big sister I had to hold her tight and ended up with saline solution all over me.  Squirrel had thrown some peanut butter sandwiches in my bag for the girls and she put them on a table since they had to eat and like wild creatures they ventured over when they thought we weren't looking.

After the ER we decided to grab some supplies so we drove very slow (wanted them to fall asleep) and I ran in to get some diapers, pjs, and clothes.  I ran in the store with an extremely dirty t-shirt and smelling like pee.  At home they tucked in super easy... we should have tried baths, but they were too exhausted.  We then checked out the contents of the bag of supplies.  3 diapers, 1 shoe, and clothes for the bigger kid (that went to a different home).  We got two kids and only one shoe.

As for the bottle... apparently one of the dogs thought they smelled delightful and destroyed the top to one.  I don't think that will go over well tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Another placement call

16?  Really?  We didn't intend to take a child that old, but that was today's call.  I can't believe this young man's story.  It is so incredibly heartbreaking that I want to pick him up, but I need to sit on this for a day.  We do have time because this young man has a home and needs to finish his school year, but he is looking for a new placement.

When they call you about a child they give you as many details as they can.  This is an awful experience.  Who the hell does this stuff to kids. Here is a very brief synopsis of what I know about this young man.

This young man lost his mom at 1 years old.  Deceased. 
Foster care until 2010  with some abuse and neglect during this time.  Yes, abuse and neglect in foster care.
Adopted 2010-2014 and abused.  Why do you adopt a child and then abuse them?

Now wishes to live in a big city, get a job, live with a Caucasian family (he is African-American) because they have more money, and wants to go to college.  Is questioning his sexuality - and that is what made the agency think we might be a fit.  

There are other issues, but that is the most of it.  Now what do you say?  At least they don't need to know today.

Interestingly enough this call was at 3:30 in the afternoon, same time as the one on Friday. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

How do you say no?

Official license arrived in the mail today... and first call for placement came as well.  Two little boys in a neighboring county.  I really wanted to say yes, but logistically it isn't an option.  With little ones there are as many as 3 visits a week and then there are doctor visits and court, and we just can't miss that much work.  It really shakes your world to realize how much in demand foster parents are when you get your first call the day your license arrives.