Thursday, December 10, 2015

Family Team Meeting

Every quarter there is a family team meeting.  Ours was today.  It is the chance for the bio-parent(s), the case worker(s), the foster parent(s) all to get together and discuss what is happening and what is the plan.

In our case there are:

The two of us
Our case worker
Our transport worker (Ms. M is so loved by our duo)

7 year old sibling's
Bio-dad's girlfriend
Her case worker

Case worker
Foster parents

Bio-Mom (of all), Bio-Dad (of 4)

All were there except the teens' foster parents and the Bio-Mom and Bio-Dad of the 4.  We had expected that the teens' foster parents would not be there as they had a separate meeting the week before.  Or should I say scheduled, but the Bios didn't show.


Our case worker is the worker that is also the case worker for the bio-parents.  She spoke with "mom" on the phone the day before because of a missed visit and was assured that she would be at the meeting.

Meeting proceeded without the bios.  What we learned is that they have had a change of housing and have moved an hour and a half away.  While they expressed to our case worker that this was a surprise she did her homework and found out that they were served papers and the eviction went through the courts so they had plenty of forewarning.  If they had been forthcoming with the information there would have been some assistance available, but since they were not and not exactly honest the assistance is not really there.

Other issues with the move include their ability to follow through with other requirements and services.  A lot of bio-parents in this situation are required to undergo regular drug screening and maintain sobriety.  Both of those services are here.  The sobriety can be done almost anywhere, but the drug screening... that is very specific.

The case worker for the 7 year old is also the DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) representative.  I'm not saying this is the way it is guaranteed to go, but she did ask us if we would consider permanency.

Needless to say, this has taken a 180 degree turn from reunification to potential TPR (termination of parental rights).  If it does go as a TPR it will be a long road.  We probably won't see any movement either way for a few months.

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