Sunday, December 13, 2015

Memories and FAS paperwork

Squirrel decided to be brave on Friday and take the girls to one of my concerts.  I have managed to take them to a concert on my own with success...  Squirrel has declared that it will never happen again.  They really didn't get to hear much.  They did however explore the church, walk around the parking lot and just keep busy in general.

Saturday was a "home day" and we did our normal, laundry, play together, and I worked with the girls and put Christmas lights outside after many requests.

Today was our big adventure day.  This morning we had pictures in our Christmas sweaters.  Probably some of the best photos that we have had.  Perhaps it was helpful that we did them at 9:00!  It has  been unseasonably warm so we decided to take the girls for a carriage ride.  Off we went - a 30 minute car ride for a 15 minute carriage ride.  I think they enjoyed it.  Often it is difficult to gauge what they think for several days after.  Then all of the sudden they will talk about what they thought.  Following the carriage ride we saw two reindeer (poor deer were so tired) and we marveled at the one's large antlers.  For us the best part of the adventure was that on the way there... Bug slept.  On the way home... Sissy slept.  We needed that break.

Even with naps they both went down early tonight.  Sissy was terrible last night so we told her that tonight she would be having a bath after dinner and then going directly to bed.

After they went to bed it was paperwork for us.  Our caseworker has secured permission for us to have Sissy evaluated for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  We don't want to use any pharmaceuticals to control her uniqueness, but we do want a fair warning and preparation for what is to come.  If you look at her you can see her face structure shows a bit of it and then when you watch her actions, her impulses, you can see more of it.  If it ever came that the girls were not to be returned to their biological parents having the diagnosis can be very important to having counseling and treatment covered by that state.

Tough thing about the paperwork - we don't know a lot of the answers.  We don't know what her birth was like, how much her bio-mom drank.  The survey even asks how many pregnancies her bio-mom had... yeap, we don't know for sure.

Thus is our life though... filling out what we can.

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